
Your Body Story, What Secret Insights It Can Give You

Episode 2:

Your Body Story, What Secret Insights It Can Give You

Ruth Cummings - Mind and Body Life Coaching
Your Body Story, What Secret Insights It Can Give You

In this week’s  episode of Your Body Advocate I describe what “Your Body Story” is, how to find it, what to do with this information, and what clues or insights this information can give you about your life, your pain and how to heal better.  What is your body keeping SECRET??

The term “Your Body Story” is a description I use in my Body Mind Life Coaching and Massage practice to help us use the same language and term to describe simply: What has happened to your body in your lifetime.  It’s a list of all the things that our body has gone through. 

Our body has a history that we memorize:  the injuries, illnesses, accidents, traumas, etc that shape our current life and how our body responds to that life.  Sometimes certain painful history of our body is hidden from our everyday description of our past.  It’s in there, and depending on what history you leave out, which body history you mention 2, 3, 4 times, these can give you hints, ideas and openings to heal your body mind and spirit deeper than you were able to without this information. 

So, in today’s episode, I’m sharing a snippet of my own body story to give you an example of what you would write down for your own body story. 

There are 3 Steps to Finding Your Own Body Story:

  1. Make a list of what your body has been through
  2. Notice which memories come quickly & which memories don’t
  3. Feel where and/or what your REACTION is to Making this list

What to Write Down About Your Body Story:

  • What bugs you, hurts or is tense
  • Be specific about the TYPE OF reaction:  where, what type, sharp pain, achy pain, dry skin, stomach ache, head ache, burning, non-stop, worse at a time of day or season, itching, numbness, weakness
  • What are the RESPONSES to STIMULUS?

 3 Tips to “Listen” & Interpret Your Reaction

  1. Become AWARE
  2. Breathe when you recognize a tightness
  3. Try your best to MATCH which body reactions go with which thought!


Download my free ebook: Release Emotional Pain From Your Body: 19 Effective Ideas

Hi! I'm Ruth

I’m Body Mind Success Coach, Ruth Cummings, and I help people become aware of and strengthen their body-mind connectionand achieve extraordinary life goals!

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